Axis of Right

Three Native Rhode Islanders Commenting From the Right on Politics and Anything Else

Archive for February 15th, 2006

Katrina Vanden Heuvel in NYC

Posted by Mike on February 15, 2006

The Strand Bookstore (or as I call it “the Communist bookstore”) is scheduled to host a lecture, Q & A and book signing by the Nation Magazine’s Katrina Vanden Shovel. It’s times like this when I wish I owned a digital camera so I could share the lunacy of NYC with all of you.

This article provides a brief review of the Nation Magazine’s history of supporting appeasement. For those of you unfamiliar with Vanden Shovel, she is the epitome of a moonbat. In the worldview of Vanden Heuvel and her magazine, evil should not be confronted, ever. In fact, with the possible exceptions of Bush, Cheney and Halliburton, evil probably doesn’t even exist.

I may attend this session just for a laugh. At least she’s cheaper than a second run movie.

(For the record, despite their tendency to prominently display their liberal books, the Communist bookstore actually has an excellent collection. The store truly has something for everyone.)

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Up Yours Yahoo

Posted by Mike on February 15, 2006

I would like to thank Yahoo for repeatedly ruining the Olympics by posting results without a spoiler warning. To borrow David Gregory’s language, you people are a bunch of jerks!

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Repeal Hate Crimes Legislation

Posted by Mike on February 15, 2006

Jeff Jacoby has a great article in today’s Boston Globe Retractor concerning the recent church burnings in Alabama. Jacoby posits that if these burnings had victimized non-Christians, hate crimes investigations and outrage would have followed. Since the victims were Christians, cricket chirping can be heard on the left. Of course, Jacoby is right.

I oppose hate crimes legislation because I believe all crime is hate crime and no victim is more valuable than another. Perhaps the realization that the lives of all victims are equally valuable can be the good to come out of these atrocities.

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Is this the best the Dems have?

Posted by Sal on February 15, 2006

Drudge has a campaign memo from the DNC which basically has a compelling argument on why not to vote for prospective GOP candidates for office: They’re fat! The democrats should look in the mirror though, if they expect to push this strategy if she-who-must-not-be-named takes a run for the President.

If this is all the Democrats have, I’m feeling very confident.

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The MSM losing its collective mind

Posted by Sal on February 15, 2006

The press is looking more and more foolish by the day. The man Vice President Cheney accidentally shot in a hunting accident had a minor complication of a minor, silent heart attack from a piece of birdshot that ended up near his heart. While this is no laughing matter, the man is 78 years old! The Doctors are keeping him in the hospital for observation, and will probably release him in a week.

How does the Press treat this? Well, the AP story headline states “Man shot by Cheney suffers heart attack!” While technically true, the tone of the headline makes it out to be more than it is. The worst offender, however, is the NY Slimes, which bases a whole article on the fact that if the man whom Cheney shot dies, there could be a grand jury investigation! And the Vice President could be charged with negligence or recklessness! Couple that with the press questions on Monday such as “Is this a criminal offense?” “Did Cheney take a gun-safety course?” “Will the Vice President Resign?”

So it’s OK for a sitting U.S. Senator to murder a young woman in a drunk driving accident, and it’s OK for a U.S. President to commit perjury and obstruction of justice, but Cheney is the devil for a hunting accident. Now that makes a lot of sense.

UPDATE: To further illustrate my point, see this transcript that Drudge has posted up of NBC White House correspondent David Gregory losing it with Scott McClellan.

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