Axis of Right

Three Native Rhode Islanders Commenting From the Right on Politics and Anything Else

Posts Tagged ‘Advocate Magazine’

Planned Parenthood’s Fundraising Mess

Posted by Ryan on March 16, 2008

The Advocate, a pro-life student magazine at UCLA, has been making phone calls to Planned Parenthood branches in seven states trying to embarrass and ultimately discredit the organization.  It’s the same tactic used by the ACLU and their ilk in looking for ways to discredit everything they can.  Yet, the lefties don’t like when you use their own tactics against their causes.   

In Idaho, it is legal for one party in a phone call to secretly tape that phone call… and what a recording The Advocate captured!  The Advocate requested to make a donation to Planned Parenthood if the money would only be used to abort African-American babies— logic being that affirmative action would stymie the caller’s own children from getting into a good college.  It’s a completely ridiculous premise, absolutely racist and insulting, yet Autumn Kersey, the Vice-President of Development and Marketing for Idaho’s Planned Parenthood, was actually excited to receive the donation!  

Here’s the unbelievable transcript and story.

The Advocate, like many other pro-life groups, knows that there is a disproportionate number of African-American babies that are aborted each year: some even call it “black genocide” since so many African-American abortions are paid for by the government.  Planned Parenthood, already a horrible disgrace, should be under investigation for these kinds of racist acts.  Who knows if this is an isolate incident?  Maybe they’ll take money from anyone requesting anything, as long as the unborn are the target and their pockets are filled with their 30 pieces of silver.  

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