Axis of Right

Three Native Rhode Islanders Commenting From the Right on Politics and Anything Else

Posts Tagged ‘McGreevey’

Eliot Spitzer Resigns

Posted by Ryan on March 12, 2008

Finally!  After mulling it over for a few days, facing impeachment charges by the brave Republicans in the NY State Legislature, and realizing two days after everyone else that his political career in New York is over, Client #9 Eliot Spitzer resigned his office today, effective Monday to accommodate a smooth transition.


Spitzer broke the law, demeaned his wife and the office, and should be completely ashamed of himself.  Then they should haul him into court, drag him over the coals and throw the book at ’em!  So, I’m pleased about today’s development. 

But what I wasn’t pleased about was seeing Spitzer’s poor wife Silda by his side again.  For once, I’d like to see an embarrassed, hurt, and degraded First Lady behind another mic outside away from her scumbag husband, calling him an SOB, and expressing her wishes to immediately file for divorce.  Had She Who Must Not Be Named done that in 1998 I would actually respect the woman.  Mrs. McGreevey was so shocked about her husband’s gay love-affair that I could understand her lethargic stares, but Silda Spitzer needs to step away from that sleazy whore-monger and treat him the way Type-A a**holes ought to be treated: publicly embarrass him, belittle him, and get your pride back, girl!  If for no one else, do it for your daughters who are watching how you behave when a man steps all over you in public.   

Malkin pic with full coverage of this event.

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