Axis of Right

Three Native Rhode Islanders Commenting From the Right on Politics and Anything Else

Archive for May 7th, 2006

Vote Pelosi’s Paralysis 2006!

Posted by Ryan on May 7, 2006

Democrats are getting confident: so says the Washington Compost in an article where Nancy Pelosi has finally started to outline what Dems’ll do once in office after they believe they will trounce Republicans this fall. Essentially, they’d:

  • End all their legislative obstructionism with harmful policies toward America’s business class by raising the arbitrarily calculated minimum wage (a guarantee to produce 1970s-style inflation, especially when mixed with high energy costs).
  • End the rogue Bush Administration (with more verve than they are willing to use in fighting terrorists) by investigating the Administration to paralysis. They’ll cause the paralysis, then blame Republicans for it.
  • Reevaluate our energy policies by taking the populist approach of hurting the oil companies with new taxes and paralyzing investigations. This will, of course, produce significant supply problems leading to major gas shortages.

They are hoping for a 2006 version of the “Contract With America.” Dick Armey believes that their politics will be effective, though their message is the same old tax and spend nonsense. Yet, he believes that there’s a good chance that they might pick up a net 15 seats in the House.

Elizabeth Dole is out there saying that she needs more money to fight the Dems off in the Senate elections. By putting money in the hands of RINOs like Chafee, she will not get ANY of my money.

Maybe the Republicans need a scare. America wants leadership on big issues and poll like they want conservative policies on immigration, drilling, and the War. Yet, the moderate Reps offer “compromise” which leads to paralysis since the Dems don’t want anything accomplished in this election year anyway. I don’t want to have to have 2 years of Democratic demagogery, damage to business, and weakness in the War on Terror, but Reps are not NOT making their case. And there’s only six months left.

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